How To Treat Cold Sores Effectively

A question I get asked quite frequently from people who are looking for answers on how to treat cold sores is, “How do I prevent them?” This is a valid question and it’s one that I hear time and again. Cold sores are often caused by cold virus type 1; while genital herpes is typically caused by the herpes simplex type 2 virus. Those two viruses are not related, so it’s not unusual to have unprotected sex during intercourse. It is possible for someone with a cold sore, however, to transfer the herpes infection to another person by skin-to Skin contact like skin to skin contact during oral sex.

Recurrent Herpes Simplex Labialis

The herpes simplex type 1 virus that causes cold sores is located on the outer layer of your skin. In some cases, this virus can become dormant and then flare up, causing a painful outbreak of blisters. There are several ways to get rid of cold sores including using over the counter medications, prescription medications and natural remedies that are safe to use.

One of the most popular treatments for how to treat cold sores is aloe vera. Aloe vera has been used in natural treatments for years because of its healing properties. The aloe vera plant contains the enzymes that are necessary for healing and soothing skin. Some people believe that applying aloe vera directly to the cold sore can be as effective as applying it to the blister with an aloe vera glove. I was never able to test this out, but I imagine that it would be effective for very small blisters.

The aloe plant contains an enzyme called aloin. This enzyme is responsible for destroying the HPV virus. Research indicates that aloin may help to reduce the size of the virus that causes cold sores by about half. You may have heard the term “inducible antiviral” which is another way of saying that the plant may help to suppress the virus that causes the virus. It is unclear just how much aloin an aloe plant will help to suppress the virus, but it is thought to be effective against at least some strains of the HPV virus.

The last of the suggestions for how to treat cold sores is to use a lip balm. The lip balm will probably be an oil-based product that is designed to moisturize the skin around the cold sore, but it will also contain something that works against the virus – possibly lipase. Lipase is a substance that is made in the body and works to break down and remove the top layer of skin that contains the HPV virus. It is possible to buy lip balms that are specifically designed to be used against each type of HPV that causes cold sores, so you should be able to find one. However, they will usually only be available from your doctor or other health care professionals, and can be pricey.

As with any disease, prevention is always better than cure. By simply keeping the area around the cold sores clean and free of dead skin cells, you will be helping your immune system to keep up the strength to fight off the virus. This, in turn, will help to prevent the outbreaks that often come with cold sores. If you suffer from frequent cold sores, talk to your doctor about ways to strengthen your immune system. He may be able to prescribe a treatment for your particular case.